UltraTech CTF | TryHackMe

Nihir Zala
5 min readFeb 17, 2023


# [Task 1] : Get the low level access into the machine

Step 1 -> ping the machine to check machine alive or not

Step 2 -> Performing port scanning

masscan -e tun0 $1 -p 1-65535 --rate 5000 > $1_masscan
cat $1_masscan | grep "Discovered open port" | awk {'print $4'} | tr -d /tcp >> $1_masscanP
cat $1_masscanP | while read b || [[ -n $b ]] ;do nmap -A -p"${b}" $1 ;done >> $1_nmap
# u also uncommnet below line
# rm $1_masscan
# rm $1_masscanP
# Usage : ./filaname.sh <ip>

This script simply performs a masscan for all 65535 ports and sends the output to nmap for further processing.

We got 3 ports open i.e 21, 8081 and 31331

Let’s give an answer to the questions …..

  1. Which software is using the port 8081?

Ans :- Node.js

2. Which other non-standard port is used?

Ans :- 31331

3. Which software using this port?

Ans :- Apache

4. Which GNU/Linux distribution seems to be used?

Ans :- Ubuntu

5. The software using the port 8081 is a REST api, how many of its routes are used by the web application?

Ans :- 2

This is simple webpage of the port 8081 and 31331



Performing directory brute-forcing on ports 8081 and 31331 got the /auth directory, but there was nothing interesting in it.

Step 3 -> /robots.txt directory

After performing some basic enumeration, keep in mind that why not check for a /robots.txt or /sitemap.xml directory?


And got this file, i.e., /utech_sitemap.txt.

After navigating to it got 3 directory in in /index.html, /what.html, /partners.html

/index.html and /what.html are not interesting enough, but /partners.html contains a login page.

login page

But what do next? We won’t have a username or a password.

Let’s Start Thinking ………….

Step 4 -> Username and password of normal user

Check the source code and we got this


After navigating to js/api.js this juicy stuff found


It seems like the const url variable gets its value from the getAPIURL() function and the ping ip address {window.location.hostname}.

Then we can ping our localhost with the attackbox IP address.


Boommmm ….. It’s workkk. We tried to see if we could run another command, but we got an error.

id error

It seems like it has a name resolution error, but we have a solution for this, i.e., backstick (``). The command in the above image is: id. As a result, when we hit enter, the website returns an error. When we use backticks and type commands between backticks, they are executed by the shell before the main command.

db file

We got a file and used the ls command between the backticks. Just cat this file to see what’s in it.

cat file

And here we got username and hash password of it’s. username is r00t and admin. It is a md5 hash let’s crack it.


Let’s give an answer to the questions …..

6. There is a database lying around, what is its filename?

Ans :- utech.db.sqlite

7. What is the first user’s password hash?

Ans :- f357a0c52799563c7c7b76c1e7543a32

8. What is the password associated with this hash?

Ans :- n100906

Step 5 -> Get first shell on machine

Try to login with r00t and n100906 using ssh

ssh shell

And we are r00t normal user on the machine.

# [Task 2] Get root user access on to the machine

Step 1 -> Apply techniques to get root shell

After completing all of the techniques, we decided on one thing we wanted to do.


It’s like running Docker on the machine, and this user is part of it.Let’s check on GTFOBins for docker keyword. And we got this ..

gtfo bins

Run this command on terminal: docker run -v /:/mnt — rm -it bash chroot /mnt sh

root shell

And boooommmmm ….. We are the root user on this machine

Let’s give an answer to the questions ….

9. What are the first 9 characters of the root user’s private SSH key?

Ans :- MIIEogIBA



Nihir Zala
Nihir Zala

Written by Nihir Zala

Hi there, I'm Nihir Zala—a Laravel developer from Gujrat, India, with over 2.5 years of professional experience. I also learning Penetesting from THM and HTB.

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