Tech_Supp0rt: 1 | TryHackMe

Nihir Zala
4 min readMar 14, 2023


Hack into the scammer’s under-development website to foil their plans.

Hello, Amazing Hacker this is Hac and today we will be doing Tech_Supp0rt: 1 From Tryhackme it’s an easy box so let’s start hacking ……

We will start with Nmap Scan:-

From the above scan, we found that four ports are open 22 (ssh), 80(webserver), and 139,445(sub). There is a small trick to identify the OS (operating system) without nmap by using ping (yes ping). By checking the TTL (Time to live) by default windows has a TTL (Time to live) of 128 and for Linux, it’s something in the range of 64.

Now I will check port 80 because it has a larger attack surface.

Default Apache2 page

Now I will check itsits source code because u can find some juicy stuff Thin CTF'sere.

checking source code

I ran go buster against it

But it was of no use because /WordPress was a rabbit hole.

After that I checked SMB.

“Website” looks interesting if we have to write access on that share we can put our Reverse Shell. Sadly we don’t have write access :(

we don’t have write perms :(

But we have got “enter.txt” So let’s have a look at it.

On checking enter.txt

we got a new dir “/subversion” and admin creds but it looks like we need to decode the password. As Always our best friend cyber-chef will Help Us.

decoding password

Let’s check “/subversion/panel” which we got from “enter.txt”

on checking port 80 /subversion/panel

We have The Cms name and version so it’s better to look for an exploit.

checking for exploits on searchsploit

I am more interested in “Subrion CMS 4.2.1 — Arbitrary File Upload” because it’s the easiest way to get an initial foothold on the box. We can download the python script by using “-m”.

downloading the python script

We can take a look at the python script to understand what the exploit is doing.

checking python script

Let s run the python script and we have the shell let’s go bois ……….

Got shell as www-data

But wait a minute we are pro-1337 hikers right ??? So let’s try the manual way to get a shell.

First login into “/subversion/panel” with creds which we got earlier.


After that we need to navigate to content > upload “/subversion/panel/uploads

After that we will create a “.phar” file with our php-revershell then we will upload it.

Now we have got shell (Good Job) but the game is not over yet, need to escalate our prices to user > root. We know that, There is WordPress which can contain passwords for databases so let’s check that folder ( /var/www/html/WordPress).

And we got the username and password for the MySql database. But we can try that password on a user “scam site” And we are in ……

Now we need to escalate our privs to the root user. If we do sudo -l we can run “/usr/bin/icons”

Let’s check one of our best friends for privilege escalation after lines which is gtfo bin.

And we got root flag

I hope you liked this write-up for Tech_Supp0rt: 1 (Tryhackme) I hope you learned something new, If you have any questions or any feedback dm me on Twitter ZalaNihir.



Nihir Zala
Nihir Zala

Written by Nihir Zala

Hi there, I'm Nihir Zala—a Laravel developer from Gujrat, India, with over 2.5 years of professional experience. I also learning Penetesting from THM and HTB.

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