Nuclear Sale | HackTheBox
The file we are provided with is a pcap file, that when we open in WireShark, we see a series of packets.
Going to Statistics->Protocol Hierachy , we observe SMTP traffic, we therfor filter the packets by SMTP and follow the TCP Stream
We follow the TCP Streams (5) in total and can read the email messages which give us hints that the flag in encrypted using XOR.
On SMTP stream 2, we get the following email message
He is a high profile individual. His information is encrypted below:
You know what you have to do.
Best Regards,Sales Dept
SMTP stream 3 has the below email:
Here is the ciphertext encrypted with our key.
SMPT stream 4 has the below email:
Encrypting again with our key...
The two distinct cyphertexts are encrypted with the same XOR key. knowing this is important as we know in XOR:
if A ^ B = C, then C ^ B = A and C ^ A = B
hence, we can XOR the two encrypted messages with each other to get the Encryption Key and Use the Encryption key to Xor the encrypted flag and get our flag
Code Snippet below:
from binascii import unhexlify
enc_flag = unhexlify('6b65813f4fe991efe2042f79988a3b2f2559d358e55f2fa373e53b1965b5bb2b175cf039')
ct = unhexlify('fd034c32294bfa6ab44a28892e75c4f24d8e71b41cfb9a81a634b90e6238443a813a3d34')
ct2 = unhexlify('de328f76159108f7653a5883decb8dec06b0fd9bc8d0dd7dade1f04836b8a07da20bfe70')
flag = ''
#Note the length of all the above texts are 36 bytes after decoding from ascii
for i,j in enumerate(ct):
flag += chr(j ^ ct2[i] ^ enc_flag[i])print(flag)