Ninja Skills | TryHackMe Walkthrough

First of all copied all the files mentioned into /tmp
folder by finding them with
find / -name "file_name"
8V2L /etc/8V2L
bny0 can't find
c4ZX /mnt/c4ZX
D8B3 /mnt/D8B3
FHl1 /var/FHl1
oiMO /opt/oiMO
PFbD /opt/PFbD
rmfX /media/rmfX
SRSq /etc/ssh/SRSq
uqyw /var/log/uqyw
v2Vb /home/v2Vb
X1Uy /X1Uy
Which of the above files are owned by the best-group group(enter the answer separated by spaces in alphabetical order)
find / -group best-group
v2Vb D8B3
Which of these files contain an IP address?
Which file has the SHA1 hash of 9d54da7584015647ba052173b84d45e8007eba94
When you have copied the files in one place you can run
ls | xargs sha1sum
To check hash of files
Which file contains 230 lines?
I check every file’s and so far they were 209
so only left was bny0
so I submitted it
Which file’s owner has an ID of 502?
find / -user newer-user -name "*" 2>/dev/null
Which file is executable by everyone?
ls -la
I just followed this walkthrough and its done so all credit goes to: