Laravel-10 AdminLTE
This is the Admin LTE created with Laravel created by Nihir Zala. For installation, you have to run the following commands.
git clone
cd laravel-10-adminlte
composer update
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Now create the database & update the credentials in the .env file
php artisan migrate — seed
php artisan serve
What is in this repo? & why do you have to use it in your basic project?
This project was created in Laravel 10
I already added the Admin LTE.
For Auth Already Installed Breeze.
What is in it?
Added the category Module & Sub Category Module
Added the Role & permission Module
Added the Collection Module
Already had the Country, State & City Seeder
Added the Product Module Which have basic need & related images module.
Added the profile module with the dark/light mode you can change it.
And there is more you can explore it more by yourself.
& Don't forget to like the repo
if you have any questions & inquiries you can ask me on LinkedIn or Instagram.