Knock Knock || HackTheBox | Sherlocks Answers

Here I already Solved this lab & here I give you an example for it how I solved like which method.
Which ports did the attacker find open during their enumeration phase?
21,22,3306,******** (PCAP Analysis — Port Scan)
What’s the UTC time when attacker started their attack against the server?
21/03/2023 ****** (PCAP Analysis — Port Scan)
What’s the MITRE Technique ID of the technique attacker used to get initial access?
T1110.**** (FTP — Brute Force)
What are valid set of credentials used to get initial foothold?
tony. Shephard:****! (FTP — Brute Force)
What is the Malicious IP address utilized by the attacker for initial access?
3.109.209.** (PCAP Analysis — Port Scan)
What is name of the file which contained some config data and credentials?
(FTP - Session)
Which port was the critical service running?
244** (FTP — Session)
What’s the name of technique used to get to that critical service?
Port ******* (FTP — Session)
Which ports were required to interact with to reach the critical service?
29999,45087,***** (FTP — Session)
What’s the UTC time when interaction with previous question ports ended?
21/03/2023 10:58:** (Critical FTP — Access)
What are set of valid credentials for the critical service?
(Critical FTP - Login)
At what UTC Time attacker got access to the critical server?
21/03/2023 **********(Critical FTP — Login)
What’s the AWS AccountID and Password for the developer “Abdullah”?
(Critical FTP - Files)
What’s the deadline for hiring developers for forela?
30/08/***** (Critical FTP — Files)
When did CEO of forela was scheduled to arrive in pakistan?
08/03/**** (Critical FTP — Files)
The attacker was able to perform directory traversel and escape the chroot jail. This caused [the] attacker to roam around the filesystem just like a normal user would. What’s the username of an account other than root having /bin/bash set as default shell?
cyberjunkie (Critical FTP — Files)
What’s the full path of the file which lead to ssh access of the server by attacker?
/opt/reminders/.****** (Critical FTP — Files / GitHub — Commits)
What’s the SSH password which attacker used to access the server and get full access?
YHUIhnollouhdnoamjndlyvbl398782**** (GitHub — Commits)
What’s the full url from where attacker downloaded ransomware?***********.zip
(Ransomware - Download)
What’s the tool/util name and version which attacker used to download ransomware?
(Ransomware - Download)
What’s the ransomware name?
GonnaCry (Ransomware — File Analysis)
Happy Hacking… :)
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