Hypervisor Internals || TryHackMe Write-up

Virtualisation is the concept of creating multiple virtual environments from shared physical hardware. This is achieved by abstracting computing resources and allocating portions of these to the environment. Virtualisation allows multiple operating systems to run on a physical device, where the operating systems do not interact or conflict with each other. These multiple environments are known as Virtual Machines (VMs).
Task 1: Introduction
No answer needed
Task 2: Types of Hypervisors
#2.1 What type of Hypervisors have direct access to bare metal?
Answer: Type 1
#2.2 What type of Hypervisors do not have access to bare metal but run inside and through another Operating System?
Answer: Type 2
Task 3: Hypervisor Landscape
#3.1 What is the name of the Hypervisor that can be found as both a type 1 and type 2 Hypervisor?
Answer: Hyper-V
#3.2 What is the name of the open-source Hypervisor developed by Oracle?
Answer: VirtualBox
Task 4: Hypervisors in Cyber Security
#4.1 As of the time of writing, what is the maximum amount that Microsoft offers for disclosed Hyper-V vulnerabilities?
Answer: $250,000
#4.2 What category of use do cyber security analysts use Hypervisors to analyze malicious code?
Answer: Research
#4.3 What is the name of one of the APT groups that has been identified as targeting ESXi Hypervisors?
Answer: AlphaV
Task 5: Hypervisor Internals
#5.1 What is the acronym for a virtual CPU?
Answer: vCPU
#5.2 What is the acronym for a virtual network adapter?
Answer: vNIC
#5.3 What virtualization method allows a Hypervisor to run within a virtual machine?
Answer: Nested virtualization
Task 6: Guest Additions
#6.1 What is the full CVE of the vulnerability that allowed attackers to exploit guest additions to escape the guest environment? Format: CVE-XXXX-XXXX
Answer: CVE-2018–2693
#6.2 What name does the VMware guest additions process appear on the guest?
Answer: VMware Tools Core Service
Task 7: Practical
#7.1 What is the flag from the practical?