Agent Sudo | TryHackMe
We Started with Nmap Scan to know the open ports.
We got 3 ports so first, we checked port 80 on browser for the webpage.
So from the webpage, we see an announcement for the Agents from Agent R. The tryhackme hint was to change the “User-agent” with “C”. So we started Burpsuite to intercept the request.
After capturing the request we modified the “User-agent” with “C” and forward the request.
After we got a success message on Burpsuite so we checked the webpage.
We got an Agent Name and from the message, we know that the password of the Agent is weak so now we can Bruteforce FTP with Hydra.
Now we know the password for the Agent we can log in through FTP.
We have successfully logged in through FTP and we checked for the content and we got images and a text file we downloaded all the files using “get command”.
By viewing the “To_agentJ.txt” file the message was login password for the chris is stored in the fake picture.
So we use “Steghide” to retrieve some hidden info and also checked by “ExifTool” for the “cutie.png” file but nothing came up after we tried with “binwalk” and we got a zip file inside the “cutie.png” file and extracted it from “cutie.png” but it was encrypted.
So we used “zip2john” to crack the zip file for password with this command
./zip2john > Output.txt
and then we used john to crack the hash.
We got “a****” a password so we tried to extract the zip file but unzip command didn’t work so we used this command
7z e
After entering the password and extracting the zip file we got this message.
This message was from Agent R we decoded this ‘Q*******’ message using Cyberchef. Cyberchef suggests auto decoding.
We got the password Now only images file left is “cute-alien.jpg” so we used the “steghide” tool to retrieve hidden info.
The info got extracted to “message.txt” after viewing the message we got username and password.
Now we logged in through SSH into the machine using the username and password we found now we can read the user flag
Privilege Esclation
We checked for the permission the user has with “sudo -l” command.
We searched on google and we got a vulnerability for Sudo for version 1.8.28 so we checked the version of sudo
Our sudo version is lower from 1.8.28 so we can exploit the machine.
You can read about this vulnerability
Well, we are root now! You can find the root flag easily.